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싱가폴에 ICP 를 통해 알게된 인라인 친구가 있는데, 지난 벚꽃 축제와 문화일보 마라톤대회에 참석하려고 서울을 방문하였습니다.
약일간 머물면서 정말 빡빡한 스케쥴속에서 보냈는데, 스쿨의 박은실 생님(아이디가 병아리, 즉 baby chick) 5일 내낸 아침부터 새벽까지 운정해주고 데리고 다녔습니다.
이에 대한 감사와 감동을 적어보낸 글입니다.
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2004 6:40 PM
To: Emeline Tan
Subject: manee's write up
Hi Em,
Here is a write up for the Korean trip from Manee.
First of all, I have to thank our hosts Inline Cookie, for taking very good care of us start from the very first day in Korea, especially Baby Chick - xxx that’s' for her.
I enjoyed the trip so much and really appreciated their hospitality. My
Impression about Korean is that everyone is very nice, very kind and so
Friendly. Babe Chick and Inline Cookie mates took us around, skate with us; had lunch and dine with us. They spent most of the time with us to make sure that we enjoy the trip. These make me feel like more than home, really.
Furthermore, I really love Korean food! Every meal is superb. I think I have tried most of Korean food in just one trip - this trip. Again, thanks so much to the hosts. Hope to see you in Singapore soon.
It's fantastic! Never seen such a big skating event before. We had chances to meet the pros before the race, take photos, watch them train, try hard to draft them... (Still not a chance), got some free wheels and postcards with signatures :)
The race day was exciting... six thousand skaters on 4/5 wheels, adults and kids, men and women, superman and ninja...all of them were with helmets though. I saw lot of them crash but none got serious injury. I
finished the race in 46 minutes without a scratch. Lucky me.
My best experience for this trip, apart from the race, was 50 kms skating with Sandy, Jansen, Eddie Matzger and Mike Miller along Han river for 5 hours. And Eddie called me 'Miss Outside Edges' :)
Second best - I learned dp from Sandy... :P
See you next race.